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Head & Neck Immobilizers

Displaying products 1 - 4 of 4 results
Silverman Head/Neck Supports
Price: Call JRT for Pricing
Silverman Head/Neck Supports
The Silverman Head-Neck Supports are made of a thin clear plastic material. They are the same size and shape as the Timo supports and have the same letter sequence.
TIMO Head and Neck Supports
Price: Call JRT for Pricing
TIMO Head and Neck Supports
TIMO Head and Neck Supports are available in six different heights and contours to provide the versatility needed to attain desired head angulation.
Shoulder Retractor
Price: Call JRT for Pricing
Shoulder Retractor
This Shoulder Retractor is used for extending the patient's shoulders down and out of the treatment field for head and neck technique.
Shoulder Extension Straps
Price: Call JRT for Pricing
Shoulder Extension Straps
Arm & Shoulder Extension Straps are used for extending the patient's shoulders down and out of the treatment field for head and neck technique.