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CLEARANCE! NEW Fillable Flood Phantoms

Fillable Flood Phantoms - Horizontal Fill
Price: See Below

Fillable Flood Phantoms offer a simple, efficient means of obtaining optimum camera performance with respect to uniformity of response over the entire crystal area. They consist of plastic forms that contain a watertight central cavity into which a radioactive solution is introduced (via a filling port) and then mixed thoroughly. After the activity has been distributed evenly, the camera’s uniformity of response can be checked.

When evaluating SPECT (ECAT) equipment, flood uniformity is essential to prevent the formation of artifacts in the image. For this purpose, we have developed special flood phantoms which, unlike conventional versions, are filled in the horizontal (flat) position. This prevents the slight bulging caused by water pressure during vertical filling. By reducing variations in cavity thickness, better uniformity in distribution of activity can be achieved. An air bubble trap is built in.

76-801 Fillable Rectangular Flood Phantom, Horizontal Fill, Dimensions 18” x 23” x 1”, Cavity 16" x 21" x 0.5" $ 350.00
Fillable Round Flood Phantom, Horizontal Fill, Dimensions 18" x 18" x 1", Cavity diameter 16.5" $ 350.00
Fillable Gigantic Flood Phantom, Horizontal Fill, Dimensions 23" x 23" x 1", Cavity diameter 22" $ 395.00